As passionate as you are.

Your expert in ventilation.

Ventec is a family-owned business established in 1989.

Our focus is to provide top quality, energy-efficient products to satisfy our first concern: the well-being and productivity of your animals.

Combine our values with the strong sense of trust farmers have placed in us, and you have the reason we’ve become an important player on the international market. We’re at the forefront of our business to help farmers around the world operate at the top of their game.

Our Markets

When talking about ventilation for dairy cows, the focus is on the heat stress management. Indeed, cows are very sensitive to it, and it can have an impact on their health overall as well as on their milk production. Good ventilation is necessary for their comfort and is an essential aspect to consider for the dairy farmer.

In order to obtain optimal growth, feed, water and barn climate are to be considered. Sensitive to heat stress, pigs need appropriate ventilation to maintain good feed intake. Adequate ventilation leads to less health management related issues that also have a direct impact on producer’s bottom line.

In poultry production, a good ventilation system is one that allows the development of the full potential of the birds. In broiler chickens, where their development takes place rapidly it causes ventilation needs to change over time during batch life. 


Excellence and Expertise.

We constantly push to innovate and improve our knowledge on animal welfare. Count on the skills and experience of our team when you need to make barn improvements or undertake a major project.

Let us introduce you to some of the products that have become the hallmark of Ventec namely:

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Cyclone Plus

Precision meets power.

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Cyclone Plus

Max Air 72

Unrivaled when you need precision and reliability.

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Max Air 72

Polymat G3 (Lumitherm)

The next level in natural ventilation.

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Polymat G3 (Lumitherm)

March 17, 2022

As a dairy farmer you know more than a thing or two about raising dairy cows. With 264 million dairy cows worldwide, producing nearly 600 million tonnes of milk every year it’s no surprise those on th

Artificial intelligence gets you ahead of the herd.

March 17, 2022

À titre de producteur laitier, vous en connaissez un rayon sur l’élevage de vaches laitières. Avec 264 millions de vaches laitières dans le monde, produisant près de 600 millions de tonnes de lait chaque année, rien de surprenant à ce que l’industrie soit de plus en plus à l’affut des progrès technologiques en intelligence artificielle. Voyons d’un peu plus près comment l’IA pourrait mettre du vent dans vos voiles.

Prenez une longueur d’avance grâce à l’intelligence artificielle

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